Three simple steps you should know…
First … how much does your paddle board weigh?
Usually the manufacturer’s website will typically list the board’s weight and your store representative should know as well. But in the event you can’t find it quickly, here’s a simple method using your bathroom scale…
1. Weigh yourself – don’t tell anybody
2. …then pick up the board and weigh yourself and the board.
3. Subtract the weights and the difference is a close approximation of the board’s weight.
Paddle boards are not little short boards that you can just put anywhere. You will have to take into consideration its bulk, weight and the thickness of the rails (its sides) before you just throw it up on the wall. Also make sure you know the dimensions of the paddle board rack that you intend to use, as some of the storage systems can’t hold thickness over 5 inches. This is crucial as the thickness of the newer touring and racing boards are typically at least 6 inches. This will save you time and headaches from “returns” that don’t fit. Also make sure you understand how the board will fit in the rack as some of the paddle board racks systems are designed for minimal space and require the SUP to orient in a specific way. Which is cool if you have limited area for storage …or you want something more for display.
Second …now decide where you want to hang it
…Indoors or outdoors? …in the garage, by the boat house or in the living room – yeah …in the living room. You will be able to find most of the better made storage systems at A California company that designs and manufactures several types of wall racks that take your storage problem and turn them into art …or at the very least help integrate the paddle board into your living space with a very nice flare. An excellent company that not only designs and manufactures their own brand but also carries other American made brands and they test the racks that they carry to make sure they do what they claim.
The Olo Big Board paddle board rack, rated to hold up to 40 lbs., can store your paddle board either deck out or fin out and only extends from the wall about 12 ½ inches. Made of wood (two colors to choose from) and it does a really nice job of showing only the board. It almost looks as if it’s suspended on the wall. You can pair it with a Hawaiian Gun Rack designed paddle rack of the same wood color.
Now for Heavy duty outside or near the elements storage they carry the gatekeeper metal racks that come in several styles depending on how much space you have to play with and the number of boards you may want to store. Families usually have a couple of boards now that everyone realizes how much fun it is to paddle out on a sunny day. These are powder coated and will hold up to the elements if you have a boat house and want to store the board outside.
Third … What is your wall made of? Very important because you need to know what type of hardware and tools you will need and this in turn will help you to determine if you can install it yourself or require some expert assistance. Below are a few of the more standard wall types…
1. – Drywall on wood studs (most modern-day homes)
2. – Lathe and plaster construction (Pre 1950’s homes – not recommended for storage)
3. – Drywall with metal studs (most modern offices – also not a good idea to put any real weight on)
4. – Brick or cinder block (usually in the garage and some older beach style homes)
If you want more in depth information on how to store your paddle boards, check back here as we are working on a DIY primer about the different types of walls and the kinds of hardware and their pros and cons.